Tri-Lakes Aquatic Plant Control Program
The primary objective of the Tri-Lakes improvement program is to control the spread of invasive, exotic plants. In managing aquatic plants, it is important to recognize that aquatic plants provide several valuable ecological functions. Maintaining a diversity of native plants is as important as controlling nuisance and exotic species. The Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society's plant reference chart is a great resource for identifying common native and invasive plant species.
Herbicide Treatments
​​​​Herbicide treatments will resume in 2025
Past Herbicide Treatments

Exotic plant species that are potentially a threat to the Tri-Lakes include Eurasian milfoil, starry stonewort, and curly-leaf pondweed. Early detection and rapid response are key to effective control of invasive aquatic plant species. Each year, biologists from Progressive Companies conduct multiple surveys of the lakes to identify exotic plant locations and targeted herbicide treatments are carried out to control nuisance plant growth. The herbicide treatments require a permit from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.

Eurasian milfoil

Starry stonewort

Curly-leaf pondweed