Tri-Lakes Improvement Board
Dave Lewis, Chair
Morton Township Representative
Sandy Brogan, Treasurer
Morton Township Representative
Karla Miller, Secretary
Mecosta County Drain Commissioner
Linda Howard
Mecosta County Commissioner
Randy Walsdorf
Riparian Representative
In 2022, public hearings were held and the Tri-Lakes Improvement Board approved a five-year lake improvement program. A primary focus of the program is the control of invasive plant growth within Tri-Lakes.
The Tri-Lakes Improvement Board was established by resolution of the Morton Township Board on January 3, 1989 under Part 309 (Inland Lake Improvements) of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. In accordance with the act, the Tri-Lakes Improvement Board includes a lakefront property owner, a representative from each local unit of government abutting Tri-Lakes, the county drain commissioner (or designee) and a county commissioner.
Tri-Lakes Improvement Program Budget
Improvement Annual Cost
Aquatic Plant Control
Lake Management Consulting
Administration and Contingency
Tri-Lakes Improvement Board Meeting Minutes
Morton Township
Tri-Lakes Improvement Board Financial Reports
In 2023, the Lake Mecosta DNR access site had signage installed to inform boaters of the Clean, Drain, Dry, initiative.
This new sign and the tools available nearby will hopefully encourage boaters to inspect and clean their boat of any plant fragments prior to launching into the Tri-Lakes.